President-elect Donald Trump isn’t just appointing incompetent buffoons to his Cabinet, but deeply immoral individuals who are completely lacking in family values.
Act Out! [144] - The Unknown Toll of Fossil Fuels on Native Women + Richard Wolff on Democratizing our Lives
From predator economics to co-ops, we take a look at how our current system pollutes not only the planet but marginalized communities through direct and pervasive violence.
Act Out! [137] - 400+ Reasons to Eat the Rich & Why NAFTA Can’t Be Saved
This week on Act Out!, tempting though it may be to ignore all things real and political for the next few days, hiding behind cranberry sauce and turkey legs won't change the ever-widening and gaping abyss before us.
Act Out! [98] - The Hateful 8 and the Colombian Connection
This week on Act Out!, the REALLY hateful eight get a low life scum spotlight as we dive into the latest Oxfam report about the continuous rise of global income inequality.
Act Out! [58] - Three Issues with the Panama Papers, and an Anti-Fracking Punk Provocateur
This week, three things you gotta know and consider about the Panama Papers — and no, it has nothing to do with Putin. Then, we have a special interview with Joe Corre, anti-fracking activist in the U.K.
Dismantling Occupy: How Wall Street Used Government Forces to Suppress Political Dissent
What happened to Occupy should serve as a warning to everyone about the dangerous fusion of corporate interests and our public institutions.
Radio: Occupy, Then and Now
NYU sociologist Michael Gould-Wartofsky traces the on-the-ground history of the Occupy Wall Street movement, through the eviction of Zuccotti Park to what the movement has morphed into.
World Class Warfare: Will There Be Blood?
A war is being waged against the American people by the super rich. And it is escalating.
To Reduce Inequality, Tax Wealth — Not Income
Whether you’re in the 99 percent, the 47 percent or the 1 percent, inequality in America may threaten your future.
Remember, Remember, the 17th of September
"American Autumn: an Occudoc," was shot on the front lines and meeting spaces of the Occupy Movement in New York, Boston and Washington, DC, from its earliest days through the end of January 2012.