President-elect Donald Trump isn’t just appointing incompetent buffoons to his Cabinet, but deeply immoral individuals who are completely lacking in family values.
Democratic Socialists of America
Rebel Cities 11: As Newham Transforms London, Democratic Socialists Awaken
In Newham, East London, Rokhsana Fiaz took power in May with a radical manifesto to alleviate the council's housing crisis and increase citizen participation. She is following through, and change is afoot.
Portland far-right rally: police charge counterprotesters with batons drawn
Police in riot gear use stun grenades and pepper spray on leftwing groups protesting against Patriot Prayer marchers.
The New Socialists
Three years ago, the Democratic Socialists of America had about 6,000 members across the country--fewer than the American Racing Pigeon Union. Since then, DSA membership has shot up more than 600 percent.
This Union Nurse and Outspoken Progressive Could Become Iowa’s Next Governor
Cathy Glasson is running an insurgent campaign on a platform of Medicare for all, a $15 minimum wage and ending “right to work” laws.
The Next Generation of Democratic Socialists Has Started Winning Local Elections
Campaigning for economic and social justice, young democratic socialist candidates have seized on Bernie Sanders's message and last month won municipal races in states like Illinois and Georgia.
The People's Summit Seeks Direction Forward for the Political Revolution
Last weekend's People's Summit concentrated on domestic policy and economic inequality, featuring spirited debates, discussions and workshops that tried to chart the path ahead for America's new left.