It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
police militarization
Army Veterans Return to Standing Rock to Form a Human Shield Against Police
A growing group of military veterans are willing to put their bodies between Native American activists and the militarized police trying to remove them.
“Do Not Resist”: The Police Militarization Documentary Everyone Should See
Filmmaker Craig Atkinson began the project three years ago in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, where images of armored cars and commando cops in the streets resonated for him on a personal level.
Pentagon Makes No Secret of Wanting to Monitor Social Change Activism
The U.S. military is increasingly concerned about the risks to social, political and economic stability from resource stress and climate change – and whether they might lead governments to collapse.
Ferguson Police Spend Big on Riot Gear Bracing for New Protests
St. Louis County police have spent $173,000 since August on teargas, grenades and "less lethal" ammunition in fears of an escalation of protests if officer Darren Wilson is not criminally indicted.
Infographic: The Transfer of Military Surplus to Domestic Police
Some critics say that the "militarization of the police" is happening right in front of our eyes – but if the Founding Fathers were so worried about a threat of domestic tyranny, how did we get here?
Girls To the Front: Women on the Frontlines of the Struggle in Ferguson
In times of crisis, the term “protect the women and children” might still come to mind.
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Unable to Account for Missing Military Style Weapons
The department was given equipment to fight terrorism but it's now being used to fight local communities.
Magazine Publisher Brings Pizza – and Leadership – to Streets Of Ferguson
The shooting of Michael Brown unearthed in Keith Griffin powerful and once-latent feelings about race, community and an individual's responsibility in times of crisis.
Rebellion in Ferguson: A Rising Heat in the Suburbs
Current conditions in places like Ferguson could trigger a new wave of racial unrest in economically depressed black suburbs, and perhaps later in impoverished inner cities across America.
Could The Civil Rights Movement Have Happened In Today's Militarized Police State?
Can peacefully exercising First Amendment rights create lasting change if police have weaponry and, apparently, legal authority to immediately and violently disperse crowds?