It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
privacy rights
Our Data, Our Property: We Need New Laws To Prevent Facebook Abuse
If tech companies like Facebook won’t respect on any ethical or moral level that our data is our property, then laws must be written to codify those rights.
U.S. Government Demands Details On All Visitors to Anti-Trump Protest Site
Privacy advocates call warrant for IP addresses of 1.3 million people who visited inauguration protest website an unconstitutional "fishing expedition."
Republicans Just Voted to Let Internet Service Providers Sell Your Browsing History
Advertisers will be able to track your habits without you even knowing.
Facial Recognition Database Used by FBI Is Out of Control, House Committee Hears
Database contains photos of half of U.S. adults without their consent, the algorithm is wrong nearly 15% of the time – and it's more likely to misidentify black people.
How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything On a Smartphone
Want to invisibly spy on 10 iPhone owners without their knowledge? Cost: $650,000 plus a $500,000 setup fee with an Israeli outfit called the NSO Group.
How A Small Company in Switzerland Is Fighting a Surveillance Law — And Winning
A small email provider and its customers have almost single-handedly forced the Swiss government to put its new invasive surveillance law up for a public vote in a national referendum in June.
A Century of Mass Government Surveillance Is Enough – It’s Time for New Limits
As a nation we're uncomfortable with the morality of the degree – not the kind – of intelligence collection that occurs as a result of secret government-business partnerships.
The Day We Fight Back: 2/11/14 Worldwide Protests to End Mass Surveillance
We aren’t going to let the NSA and its allies ruin the Internet. On February 11 the world demands an end to mass surveillance in every country by every state.
What To Do About Surveillance and the FISA Court?
If we settle for merely feel-good reforms to FISA and security state overreach, there is a clear and present danger of another big scandal whenever the next Snowden blows the whistle.
Obama in Plunderland: Down the Corporate Rabbit Hole
Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker? What’s next? Labor Secretary Donald Trump? SEC Chairman Bernie Madoff? The president's latest high-level appointments — boosting corporate power and shafting the public — are despicable.