Biden cared more about the appearance of having an independent DOJ untainted by politics than he did about holding an unrepentant criminal ex-president accountable.
Chamber of Commerce
Act Out! [42] - Break Free in 2016, Our Corporate Constitution & Get Yourself Some Panoramic Awareness
Get a glimpse of what's to come for the global climate movement in 2016, and Agunda Okeyo talks art and activism from the global, black female perspective.
Act Out! [39] - Fall Rising, Democracy Spring, Stuart Schuffman, and Don't Buy Shit
This week we're flushing the TPP, joining the fight against money in politics, and opting out of Black Friday.
Five Years and Counting, Big Money Still Stalls Key Dodd-Frank Anti-Corruption Rule
Congress, on July 21, 2010, gave the Securities and Exchange Commission 270 days to issue a rule on how exactly to implement Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank act – and today, 1,821 days later, there still is no rule.
World At A Crossroads: Stop The Fast Track To A Future Of Global Corporate Rule
Do we want corporate rule or the people’s rule?
Nationwide Actions Mark Fifth Anniversary of Citizens United
This Wednesday, activists and organizations across the country are getting loud, bold and creative as they demand the overturn of Citizens United.
Why is Washington Still Protecting the Secret Political Power of Corporations?
Regulators at the SEC could illuminate the future of campaign donations – but they aren't interested in disclosing the truth, even though voters are.
Operation Green Jobs: Join the 150-mile March to DC
An upcoming action is simultaneously taking on the unemployment crisis, the climate crisis, and the corporate corruption of Congress all at once. And it needs your support.